CyberNEMO Integration Infrastructure Technology Lab

SU will offer to CyberNEMO full access to the OneLab as an integration of cybersecurity, IoT and 5G/6G testbed facility. The OneLab facility provides 24/7 remote access to a virtualized set of resources from IoT to cloud. The OneLab federates different facilities offering diversity and scale, among which NITOS and FIT test platforms. NITOS offers a Software Defined Radio (SDR) testbed that consists of USRP devices, multiple OpenFlow switches and 5G/LTE/B5G equipment, thus enabling experimentation with switching and routing networking protocols.switching and routing networking protocols. Within CyberNEMO, experimentation using the OpenFlow technology will be combined with the wireless networking and moving robots, hence enabling the construction of more heterogeneous experimental AIoT scenarios. FIT offers more than 2700 wireless static and mobile IoT nodes equipped with various sensors to address AIoT challenges and accelerate the development of protocols, applications, IoT services and IoT technologies ranging. The portal allow the experimenter to browse all resources and reserve the one slivers (virtualized resource instance) that will satisfy his/her need.

Within CyberNEMO, experimentation using the OpenFlow technology will be combined with the wireless networking and moving robots, hence enabling the construction of more heterogeneous experimental AIoT cybersecurity scenarios.