SU will offer to CyberNEMO full access to the OneLab as an integration of cybersecurity, IoT and 5G/6G testbed facility. The OneLab facility is already used in NEMO project…
CyberNEMO Living Labs & Cross-Pilots Federation
Trial#2 will be implemented by ASM, a multi-utility company in Umbria region, jointly owned by the Terni municipality and a consortium of private stakeholders. ASM operates electricity…
This pilot combines networking, computational resources and media specific applications to provide the full workflow of a professional Media Factory, including live media…
This pilot will take place in Plovdiv Hospital in Bulgaria. Yet, as all Bulgarian hospitals are linked to two (distinct, yet interconnected) cloud-based national information systems the pilot will have…
This use case will combine multiple types of ground micro-climate/soil/leaf information stations, RFID readers and logistic information ensuring traceability and end-to-end…
CyberNEMO pilots will be federated to enable cross-CyberNEMO secure and trusted services deployment and cross- trials micro-services mitigation. It is considered of major…