The evolution and deeper penetration of Artificial Intelligence into our interconnected world leads the development of data- and resource-intensive applications, running on dispersed, interconnected cloud, edge and IoT infrastructures.
CyberNEMO aims to infuse end-to-end cybersecurity and trust on the IoT-Edge-Cloud-Data Computing Continuum. CyberNEMO delivers innovations that support resilience, risk preparedness, awareness, detection and mitigation within Critical Infrastructures deployments and across supply chains on top of ΝΕΜΟ (Next Generation Meta OS – HE 101070118), which manages the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, through an open-source, flexible, adaptable, and multi-technology meta-Operating System.
CyberNEMO will offer end-to-end and full stack protection, ranging from a low level Zero-Trust Network Access layer up to a human AI explainable Situation Perception, Comprehension & Protection (SPCP) framework and tools, collaborative micro-cervices Auditing, Certification & Accreditation and a pan-European Knowledge Sharing, risk Assessment, threat Analysis and incidents Mitigation (SAAM) collaborative platform.